The Transportation Communications International Union-Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority Health & Welfare Trust Fund is a non-profit trust which provides, medical, dental, vision benefits and accident and life insurance to eligible MTA employees and their dependents ("Participants") who belong to the collective bargaining unit represented by the Transportation Communications International Union Lodge 1315. The Board of Trustees, which consists of an equal number of MTA and TCU Lodge 1315 representatives is solely responsible for administering the Fund. The Eligibility rules and benefits provided by the Fund are subject to amendment by the Board of Trustees. The Eligibility rules and benefits of the Fund are stated in the Summary Plan Description. You can view the Summary Plan Description from this web site or by requesting a Summary Plan Description from the Administrative Office.
The Health & Welfare Trust Fund was established in 1976, as a result of collective bargaining between representatives of the Brotherhood of Railway Clerks Lodge 1315, and the Southern California Rapid Transit District. Effective April 1, 1993 the Fund changed its name to the Transportation Communications International Union- Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Health & Welfare Trust Fund. The objective of the Health & Welfare Fund has been and remains improving and maintaining the best benefits possible for its participants while limiting the cost. The Board of Trustees of the Fund has worked hard for many years to contract with outstanding medical professionals in order to achieve this objective.
If you have any specific questions concerning the information contained on this website, please contact the Administrative Office.
In the event of a conflict between the information contained in this website and the plan documents, the plan documents will be controlling.